What Is The Working Of Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer?

24feb 2022
The Ultralow temperature freezer is used in the laboratory to freeze and preserve food both fresh and frozen foods.

The working of an ultra-low temperature freezer is similar to that of a conventional freezer. When the door is opened, the air inside leaves and enters into an enclosed space. This enclosed space is equipped with tubes filled with liquid nitrogen at minus 165 °C. These are in contact with the foodstuff to freeze it quickly and gently, preserving its color, taste, shape, consistency, and nutritional value.

It has been proven that cheese tastes much better when frozen by this method rather than in a regular freezer because it maintains its delicate texture while freezing quickly at this low temperature.

Components of Ultralow Temperature Freezer

Various components make up the Ultralow Freezer.

  1. Cooling tubes: These are made of copper and are in contact with the foodstuffs or products to be frozen. They maintain a temperature of minus 165 °C through a constant flow of liquid nitrogen.
  2. Condenser: This is a hermetic box that contains the cooler and is located within the compressor.
  3. Compressor: This is made up of two separate stages, namely;
    1. A motor-driven centrifugal compressor
    2. An electric-driven compressor
  4. Refrigerant: This is a refrigerant liquid that is used in the compressor and helps in containing the heat of the refrigeration cycle.
  5. Heater: It maintains an adequate temperature of minus 165 °C inside the refrigerator.
  6. Suction Valve: This valve makes foodstuff enter into an enclosed space between the tubes and air that are filled with liquid nitrogen
  7. Branch Ventilation Fan: This makes foodstuffs enter under or through a vacuum, which causes them to freeze quickly

Use Of Ultralow Temperature Freezer In Laboratory

The Ultralow temperature freezer is used in the laboratory to freeze and preserve food both fresh and frozen foods. This is done by placing branches of liquid nitrogen within a container, which is not it. Important foodstuffs are placed on the branches and then sealed, which causes the heat to be trapped inside the refrigerator.

Direction Of Cooling Tubes

The direction of cooling tubes would be in such a way as they are stretched horizontally in a wavy manner that they have enough space all around them. They have at least half an inch margin all around them on their ends so that they would not touch each other. The surface of this tube is flat and has holes toward one end.

Original Source: https://theomnibuzz.com/what-is-the-working-of-ultra-low-temperature-freezer/

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